is the perfect






Release notes

Welcome to the endless collection loop.

Konomi Viewer is the hitomi.la desktop client application for creating your own collection of masterpieces. Through a unique, four-step, iterative process, you can select the best books out of a million books.

discovering new artists

1. Discovering new artists

Insted of downloading directly from hitomi.la, Konomi is much smarter. First, you can register your favorite artists from the top 1000 overall and popular series tags you've registered, just like bookmarks in Chrome. Books that have been viewed once are filtered out, allowing you to discover your favorite artists in a very efficient way.

Book Title

discovering new artist

2. Download fav artist's works

Today's the last day to patrol your browser's hitomi.la bookmark. Konomi collects only the as-yet-unseen works of your registered favorite artists, from which you can download books to add to your bookshelf.

discovering new artist

3. Powerfull Bookshelf and Viewer

The bookshelves are neatly lined with carefully selected collections, and a scoring feature allows you to create your own personalized rankings.

discovering new artist

4. Innovative book page linked scrapbook

Konomi's manga viewer has a built-in cropping feature that allows you to save your best scenes to a scrapbook. The saved clippings are linked to the pages of the book, and the manga viewer can be launched with the page directly from the scrapbook! The Scrapbook also has all the features you always wanted, including reverse order, shuffle, and auto-scroll playback. Why don't other services have these features?